- Coupons or Coupon Pages is the term for the smart digital coupons in Coupon Reach. They contain the redeem button and are exclusive to each subscriber. Below is an example of a coupon page.
- Coupon Redemptions can be tracked in terms of their amount, redemption date & time, and the location of the redemption if available. These details can be found in the coupons and subscribers list area.
- Offers are what you see in a directory. They show the offers from a single business or from multiple businesses. Below are examples of offers in a directory:
- For offers to be redeemed, they need to be tied to their own Coupon Page. Here's a training that goes over Offer Creation.
- Vouchers are paid vouchers or paid coupons in Coupon Reach. There are 2 types of Voucher campaigns in the software:
- Standalone Voucher: designed to be standalone which only includes a single offer
- Directory Voucher: similar to the Offers but same as the Standalone Voucher, they are paid so they can't be redeemed unless purchased.
- The difference between Standalone Vouchers and Directory Vouchers is that Directory Vouchers can be assigned to a Voucher Directory consisting of multiple directory vouchers.
- Here is an example of a Standalone Voucher:
- And here are examples of Directory Vouchers on a Voucher Directory:
- Check out the following training links to know how to set up Standalone Vouchers and Directory Vouchers:
- Standaone Vouchers: Click here for the training
- Directory Vouchers: Click here for the training
Ultimately, offers and vouchers must be tied to their own coupon for them to be redeemed. Offers can be claimed on a directory. Vouchers are paid offers that can be set up as either Standalone or Directory vouchers.