Categories in Coupon Reach allow users to set a filter for the offers that you've already created. For instance, you want to create categories for locational offers, different cuisines, and different types of businesses. 

You can also use the categories with broadcast messages, where you can send a broadcast only to customers who claimed offers of a certain category.

Users can create the categories in advance or when making the offers.

The Categories section is found in the left side panel along with the other main sections in the software.

Click on + New Category in the Categories section to create a new category.

Then you can name your category and choose the color of its button in the Button Color dropdown menu.

The name of the category and its button color that you can set here also set the category button's appearance on the directories. You can see the button's preview at the end of the button color field.

Once you have created a category, you can then assign your offers to it by editing your offers. 

After you have assigned your offers to the category, you can now filter the offers in the directory using the category buttons. When you click on a category button in a directory, the offers that are assigned to that category will be hidden from the category; you'll notice that the button shows "X" before the category title. Clicking on the same category button again will unhide the offers that are assigned to that category.