If you just purchased Silo, you have the option to use the free GHL subaccount under our Agency as part of your purchase or use your own GHL Agency account.  If you're unsure which one to use, below are some points to consider:

1. If you don't have an existing GHL agency account yet, opting in for the free GHL subaccount would be a better choice "for now'. GHL is an all-in-one platform. While you're still learning to navigate GHL and its features but want to use your Silo-included programs and workflows, you can go ahead and use the free GHL subaccount. Subaccounts under the MLA agency will get snapshot push updates automatically from the agency after the snapshots that they have from MLA get updated. 

2. If you have an existing Agency GHL account and would like to use it, that will be fine. You have more control over your GHL clients and manage their accounts as the Agency Admin. You also get to use Agency-level features in GHL that aren't present in a GHL subaccount-level account. You WILL NOT get the push updates automatically to your snapshots that are from MLA if you're using your own Agency account. This means that whenever the snapshot gets updated, you will not get those updates automatically unlike when you're using the GHL subaccount under MLA.

MLA GHL Subaccount Pros & Cons:

✔Always receive pushed snapshot updates

✔ Less complicated control

Faster support assistance for GHL subaccount-related problems

✖ Lack of Agency-level options for client accounts

GHL Agency Account Pros & Cons: 

Acess to Agency options 

Access to basically all subaccount level features

Manage multiple client accounts without logging out